Who we are

My name is Debra Tiffany, and I am an educator. After completing my Master of Education, I followed my dream of joining the Peace Corps and set out for Colombia in 2011 to teach English for the next two indescribable years, and from it, CHARACTEROPOLIS was born. It is a Story-Based Character Development Teacher/Parent Guide COLORING BOOK Program that came to life with the discovery of my passion for Character Education. I wrote the first book as a Project-Based Assessment example for Student Teachers, and could not stop there! It is now a growing collection with many more in the works. Over years of teaching many grades, subjects, and student populations, I realized my profound desire to create comprehensive resources told through inspiring children’s stories. I strive to reach young children by providing them with educational tools to learn and practice the core values that generations have successfully operated with through the ages. So grab a story and let your Character grow!